Health and Safety Policy Statement

As a responsible organisation and in accordance with the Electrical Plus UK Ltd Health and Safety Policy Statement, Electrical Plus UK Ltd acknowledges that occupational health and safety is a shared responsibility requiring the commitment of the company and its employees to ensure optimum standards of health and safety. In addition to compliance with statutory requirements we will seek, proactively, to prevent ill health, injury, damage and loss arising from our operations and activities.

Our recognition and acceptance of these responsibilities will be demonstrated by our commitment to;

• Provide and maintain plant, equipment and systems of work that are safe and without risk to health.
• Focus on the quality of the working environment covering welfare, occupational and wider health issues, job design, satisfaction, and workplace safety.
• Protect and promote employee wellbeing and healthy living to create a healthier workplace and a healthier workforce which will also protect and enhance the image and reputation of the Company.
• Undertake risk assessments of all appropriate activities, and specify and implement resultant control measures in order to reduce or eliminate risks
• Take all reasonably practicable steps to avoid injury or damage to property which might occur as a result of our activities.
• Provide sufficient supervision, information, instruction and training to ensure the health and safety of employees and others who may be affected by our activities
• Assign responsibility, to appropriate personnel, to monitor compliance to this policy and associated procedures and take action in default of such compliance.
• Regularly review and report on our occupational health and safety performance, implementing any corrective actions in respect of underperformance promptly.
• Ensure suitable arrangements are in place for handling, storage and transportation of substances.
• Provide necessary and adequate resources to ensure the full implementation of this policy.
Our Company encourages its employees to co-operate in its occupational health and safety aims and seeks to promote teamwork and safe working together.

We are located at:

Electrical Plus UK Limited

Unit 1 Melyn Mair Business Centre 

Wentloog Ave 




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Tel 02920 793 131



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Unit 1 Melyn Mair Business Centre, Wentloog Ave, Rumney, Cardiff CF3 2EX - 029 20793131